
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Adam +Khylee +prayer = House

Well, friends it has been a long while since I have posted. I apologize for not being more diligent with writing, however, reporting on weird smells and flee infestation did not sound very appealing to me. I have a very important announcement: we FOUND OUR HOUSE! It's gorgeous, beautiful, homey, what I always thought my first house would look like, ahh.....So, brace yourself for a little bit of a read as I recount the story of how God answered our prayers.
Well, it all started back in November (yes that far back). We went looking at houses and put an offer on this one:

So far nothing new, right? Well, here is "the story" begins. Sunday, the day after we had put an offer in, we went to the youth minister's house, and fell in love with their cute little house. It was exactly what Adam and I was looking for in a house: wood floors, circa 1940's, three bedrooms, character, perfect neighborhood, completely updated, white trim. After we left their house we both thought, independent of one another "what are we doing with that other house?" So when when the counteroffer came back on Monday we said "thanks, but no thanks, and decided we were going to wait for a house like S&G's(youth minster and his wife, names blanked out for privacy).
I preceded to facebook G and ask her if their house had been that nice when they got it or if they had to do a lot of work to get it looking so stinkin' cute. Well, she facebooked me back and told me the various projects they had done on the house and then preceded to tell me that if we were interested they were wanting to sale. I was in shock, flabbergasted, excited, could it really be that easy? We both loved the house, from the moment we walked in the door it had felt like home. So we went to see it that week, to get the grand tour of all the nooks and crannies and fell in love even more. I know your asking, "Then why didn't you get it?" Well, that is where the story takes a turn.

We talked ourselves out of it. Yep, call it scared, call it listening to what other people were saying, call it first time homebuyers jitters, call it not praying for peace. There were several factors that stopped us from giving the big fat yes and going to sign our lives away. So we started the search again, and put offers on the houses already covered in this post. However, nothing was working out and we kept coming to dead ends. So, after the fiasco with house #3 we moved into the rent house and started to pray (both individually and together). It wasn't long after that that individually Adam and I both started thinking about S&G's house once again. So after a month of praying daily we approached S & G and told them if they were still wanting to sale, we wanted to buy!

So over Spring Break we closed on the house and then moved in on April 22, 2010! We are so thankful for this blessing and I come home every day thanking God for such a lovely home. Both Adam and I are excited to see how God uses this place for ministry in the future. Here is the picture Adam took of our beautiful vintage home the day we moved in:

I apologize for not updating the blog more frequently, school has consumed all of what life that existed and therefore I haven't even had time to unpack boxes yet! However, I promise to include as many posts as possible over the summer as we play with our first home and make some drastic changes :) Stay tuned for stories on painting (walls & furniture & cabinets), shopping on craigslist, trips to Ikea, and pictures of our beloved Luna! Make sure to put us in your google READER or bookmark me on your browser!


Sarah said...

LOVE IT! What an awesome porch...jealous! :)

inside side note: sidewalks...beautiful! ;)

k said...

yay!!! Can't wait to see more!

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