
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My list from last week is complete!  I even got it done on Thursday of last week, but was celebrating the 4th of July up right so I haven't gotten to post.  Here is the reminder of the list:
  • Iron and put duvet cover on bed 
  • Sew curtains for office and hang them up 
  • Gloss Kitchen Cabinets 
  • Paint window and doors in kitchen 
And without further ado..I present to you the master bedroom (it is still a WIP):

In the picture above we scored the mirror from IKEA for $99 and the green chair was FREE at a garage sale.  I love the avocado green color!  One day I may recover it but for right now I love it! This is Adam's nightstand.  This was actually free to us because it was mine nightstand when I was a little girl.  In another month I will have the matching one on my side.

So for now I get to use my favorite blue shelf as my nightstand (seen here).  It also is having to hold books because I am out of space.
I picked this little gem up  at an antique store in OKC for  $3.50.  It holds my ring and my hear deals/bobby pins (luna likes to eat them so I needed something by my bed in order to keep them out of her little tummy!)

Here is a more detailed shot of our new duvet cover.   I got it from TJ Max for $30 on the clearance rack! It is the perfect blend of old/new with the added detail of the lace.

Here is a sneak peak of the office which will hopefully be completed within the next couple of weeks.  Pillows still need to be recovered and boxes still need to be emptied (don't have enough storage space to contain it all)

Hope you all enjoyed the little tour.  Still much, much more to do like hang pictures, find some more pillows for the bed so there isn't so much white, but I was too excited not to share it with you!  Have a great week!